Day 5 -I think I’m alive!

First bleed! I noticed it at home after I got back from being out and about, I felt the wetness. I was surprised, and strangely happy! The first period I ever experienced was full of typical teenage awkwardness and embarrassment. Now, I was pleased. It only turned out to be a short bleed, but there it was. I collected some on a tissue, and did a crystal ritual with gratitude. Not everyone goes for this kind of thing, but it’s important to me right now. It’s important that I celebrate this part of me. Maybe one day I will have a tribe/red tent experience, so that this part of me gets celebrated with others, but today, I appreciate myself. It is pretty fucking amazing what the female body is capable of.

Something else is happening too. Whilst chatting to some female friends, one told a story, you know, the kind of story that only gets told between women. We were rolling about laughing. Then, I felt a twinge in my sex. This hasn’t happened in a LONG TIME! What’s that I feel? Oh, it’s called aliveness!! Even as I’m writing this again I can feel more life cruising through me. My sex drive recently? Practically zero, for a very very long time now, to my long-standing partners credit, it’s looking like the patience is gonna pay off.

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